LC-I1集装箱式电池储能系统采用All-in-One模块化设计,集成电池PACK、 智能储能变流器(PCS)、电源分配单元(PDU)、自动灭火系统(FFS)、 温控系统(TCS)、智能监控系统(IMS)等集成为一体,20HQ标准 采用集装箱式设计,节省应用空间,方便运输、吊装、安装和维护,即插即用的设计大大减少了现场施工时间和成本。
LC-I1集装箱式电池储能系统支持电池一体化运输,单组电池入柜,组间热隔离,每组电池独立维护。空调、FFS、 BMS相互独立,集群采用独家专利防明火泄漏,结合 自主研发的运维平台,可快速实现故障预测与定位。



支持本地Web和云访问: VPN和/或SCADA控制;远程操作和维护。
Production Capacity

Marketing & Service Network
Lenercom's European company is located in Budapest, Hungary. Lenercom Europe provides more convenient and professional localized services for its partners, including warehousing, system maintenance and engineer training.

As of 2023, we have assisted partners in over 20 countries worldwide by designing customized energy storage solutions for commercial and industrial applications. Our tailored product offerings meet the unique needs of various customers, enabling our partners to effectively address the challenges faced by their end users

Benefits of solar battery storage
Lower your kWh energy costs and reduce your consumption from the grid by generating your own renewable electricity on-site.
Reduce your kW demand charges by storing renewable
energy in batteries and using it at grid peak price times – when
charges can be up to half of your energy bill.
Reduce your carbon footprint, meet sustainability
goals, and strengthen environmental and corporate social responsibility
credentials by offsetting grid consumption with renewable energy.
Free up cash flow to reinvest into your organization or support local goals.
Gain budget stability through predictable electricity costs and accurate forecasting of operating expenses.
Generate revenue by selling excess renewable energy to the grid through programs like net metering – or by placing batteries in Demand Response markets.
Monetize existing infrastructure by transforming your roof, ground space, or parking lot into a source of on-site renewable energy generation.
Why Lenercom Business Solutions?
Unparalleled expertise –
demonstrated through our 20 years of global experience, local teams,
expert project management, professional engineering and design, and flexible financing.
Custom solution – every installation is custom-designed to the specific site to maximize value and ROI.
State-of-the-art technology – we use the highest-quality equipment including Energy Storage System (ESS) technology and Tier 1 solar PV components.
Industry-leading warranties and guarantees – our
10-year workmanship warranties and production guarantees for solar PV
components, with performance guarantees for battery storage components,
ensure a worry-free investment.
Dedicated customer care – our operations and maintenance services deliver sustainable performance and protect your system in the long-term.
Fully-managed demand response (DR) – our DR services simplify inherent market complexity and identify the most revenue-generating opportunities for your batteries.