12kW Solar Energy Storage Project in Beijing's Mujiaoyu Zixiagu Villa

12kW Solar Energy Storage Project in Beijing's Mujiaoyu Zixiagu Villa

Each villa is unique, and Lenercom stands out by not offering a one-size-fits-all solution. Unlike other companies that push a generic plan and then add costs during implementation, Lenercom conducts on-site inspections before signing any contracts. They create customized plans and provide precise quotes based on the villa's specific needs. The company guarantees no additional costs after the contract is signed, offering peace of mind and assurance to villa owners.

Why ESS?

The primary reasons for choosing energy storage were backup power during outages and maximizing self-consumption. The villa, covering approximately 500 square meters, houses numerous electrical devices. These include summer cooling systems, winter heating, a fresh air system, and water treatment equipment, all of which are electricity-dependent. Being situated in a suburban area, the power supply is not as stable as in urban centers, leading to significant disruptions during outages.

Why Lenercom:?

Each villa is unique, and Lenercom stands out by not offering a one-size-fits-all solution. Unlike other companies that push a generic plan and then add costs during implementation, Lenercom conducts on-site inspections before signing any contracts. They create customized plans and provide precise quotes based on the villa's specific needs. The company guarantees no additional costs after the contract is signed, offering peace of mind and assurance to villa owners.

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